News Submission Guidelines

News Submission Guidelines

If you have news to share, tell us about it! Below is a list of questions to get started. Your response will provide the basic background information needed to write a news release or internal announcement. Please take a moment to answer the questions.

  1. What is the subject of your news? Example: Grant announcement, research, professional honors and awards, professional appointment
  2. Identify yourself. Employees: What is your job title? Students: are you a graduate or undergraduate student? If you are a graduate student, what is your degree program and area of concentration?
  3. What Department or Center are you affiliated with? (Community, Environment & Policy, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Health Promotion Sciences, Center for Rural Health…)
  4. Photographs: We are always looking for photographs to ehnance a news story. If you have photos, include them with your submission. Send us the image in the highest resolution you have.
  5. Grant News
    • What is the ​​amount of the grant and for how many years of funding?
    • Identify the Principal Investigator and co-investigator(s). Please include job titles, academic degrees, Department or Center...
    • Is this a new grant or funding for an existing program?
    • What is the funding source?
    • What is the official title of the grant?
    • Provide a brief description of the grant and explain the purpose of the research or study.
    • Why is this research or community program important? Who will it help?
    • Will the results of your research have a local, statewide, national or global impact?
    • What will you do with the research results?
    • If this is an NIH grant, include the grant number.
  6. Awards & Appointments
    Provide a description of the award and the name of the organization granting the award. Explain why you were selected for the award.
  7. Acronyms: When using an acronym, please provide the official name of the organization.


Submit your news to Shipherd Reed