Mobile Outreach Vaccination & Education (MOVE-UP)

Mobile Outreach Vaccination & Education

MOVE-UP Program Brings Vaccines to Rural Communities

The MOVE-UP (Mobile Outreach Vaccination and Education for Underserved Populations) program uses Mobile Health Units (MHUs) to bring COVID-19 vaccines to rural communities that otherwise have access challenges. The program started in small farming communities in Maricopa County and has since moved to deliver vaccination events in Cochise County and Santa Cruz County, with other counties to follow. The data infographics below show total doses broken down by vaccine type and county, with further analysis by ethnicity, occupation, and other factors. You can read more about the MOVE-UP program here.

Arizona - 69,528 total vaccines administered

More Information

For more information about the MOVE-UP program contact Sheila Soto, DrPH, MPH at or Tania Felix, MD at