Health Behavior Health Promotion

Department of Health Promotion Sciences

Health Behavior Health Promotion

Richard Carmona and Kids

Health Behavior Health Promotion is a program based in the Department of Health Promotion Sciences. The program focuses on health education, health promotion, and disease prevention. The discipline emphasizes three core areas:

  1. Sociocultural factors that influence health and health behavior
  2. Scientific and theoretical basis for planning, implementing, and evaluating effective public health education, health promotion and disease prevention programs
  3. The goal of facilitating behavior change for a healthy life

Graduate Programs

The MPH in Health Behavior Health Promotion is based on a philosophy of health education, health promotion, and disease prevention to improve the quality of life of individuals, families, and communities. The program provides students with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills that are essential for the promotion of health and prevention of disease in culturally diverse populations.

The Online MPH in Health Behavior Health Promotion is designed for working professionals. Coursework is 100% online and students complete one course every seven and a half weeks.

The PhD in Health Behavior Health Promotion offers a diverse and challenging curriculum that addresses health behavior health promotion theory, knowledge/skills in working on health issues within the diverse communities of the Southwest US, mixed qualitative/quantitative research methods, statistics, and grant development skills.

Unique Strengths

Faculty in Health Behavior Health Promotion have expertise in the following areas:

  • Nutrition and physical activity
  • Program planning, implementation, and evaluation
  • Health disparities, particularly among Latino and American Indian health
  • Border and rural health
  • Promotoras/community health workers
  • Substance abuse
  • Mental health
  • Health communications
  • Media literacy

In addition, the College of Public Health offers a small, diverse student body with a corresponding low faculty to student ratio. These factors encourage an effective advising and mentoring environment. The College and the program reflect student and research diversity, with many interdisciplinary, community-based programs, resulting in a robust learning atmosphere.