MPH Biostatistics

MPH in Biostatistics


The MPH program in Biostatistics is offered by the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. The educational objective of the MPH degree in Biostatistics is to prepare individuals to work effectively as biostatisticians in a variety of public health, epidemiological and clinical research settings. The biostatistics area of study has led to collaboration in science and with investigators in nearly every aspect related to health. Biostatistics has also made major contributions to our understanding of diseases such as AIDS, cancer, and coronary heart disease.

Required Biostatistics Courses (14 units)

Elective Courses (minimum 12 units)

  • All 3 unit 500 or 600 level BIOS courses
  • EPID 677 Genetic Association Studies (3)
  • STAT 571A Advanced Statistical Regression Analysis (3)
  • STAT 571B Design of Experiments (3)
  • STAT 675 Statistical Computing (3)

At most 6 elective credits from the following courses

Total Minimum Credit Requirement = 42 units


Typical time to completion: 2 years full-time students, 3-4 years part-time students.

Average time to completion: 2.07

Program Steps to Completion (Full-time student timeline):

  • Attend mandatory new student orientation in August
  • First year is devoted to course work
  • Attend fall and spring semester MPH Applied Practice Experience (APE) Conference
  • Each Spring, complete an Annual Progress Report with Faculty Mentor
  • Second year is devoted to coursework and Applied Practice Experience/internship project
  • 2nd semester, determine APE project to start second year, form APE Committee and complete all planning items
  • Complete two interprofessional education (IPE) activities before graduation
  • Fourth semester, successfully complete and present internship project at MPH Applied Practice Experience (APE) Conference, and submit final report and graduation items.