MPH in Global Health
The MPH in Global Health is offered by the Department of Health Promotion Sciences. All students in the GH concentration will take a set of courses that include a foci on international nutrition, maternal and child health issues, international and government policies, and epidemiology applied to global contexts. Each student, under the guidance of a faculty mentor, will develop an individualized plan of study for his or her specialized area of interest. In addition, in consultation with a faculty mentor, each student will select elective courses that align with his or her specific area of interest.
The GH concentration encourages a variety of health care professionals to apply to this program, including health educators, nurses, nutritionists, social workers, and physicians. Students with backgrounds in a variety of social sciences who have public health experience outside of GH are also encouraged to apply.
Concentration Specific Downloads
Required Core Courses (16 units)
- EPID 573A Basic Principles of Epidemiology (3)
- PHPM 574 Public Health Policy and Management (3)
- EHS 575 Environmental and Occupational Health (3)
- BIOS 576A Biostatistics in Public Health (3)
- HPS 577 Sociocultural & Behavioral Aspects of Public Health (3)
- HPS 580 Integrated Public Health Learning Experience (1)
- Master's Report Preparation Workshop (required; non-credit)
- Interprofessional Education Activities (documentation required; non-credit)
Required Global Health Courses (23 units)
- HPS 533 Global Health (3)
- HPS 560 International Nutrition (3)
- EHS 525 A Public Health Lens to Climate Change (3)
- HPS 529 Project Planning and Evaluation in Global Health and Development (3)
- HPS 635 Applied Field Methods in Global Health Nutrition (3)
- EPID 606 Changing Health Policy: Cultural Understanding & Epi Analysis (3)
- HPS 909 Master's Report (5)
Elective Courses (minimum 3 units)
Total Minimum Credit Requirement = 42 units
Typical time to completion: 2 years full-time students, 3-4 years part-time students.
Average time to completion: 2.07
Program Steps to Completion (Full-time student timeline):
- Attend mandatory new student orientation
- First year is devoted to course work
- Attend fall and spring semester MPH Internship Conference
- Each Spring, complete an Annual Progress Report with Faculty Mentor
- Second year is devoted to coursework and Internship project
- 3rd semester, determine internship project, form Internship Committee and complete all planning items
- Complete two interprofessional education (IPE) activities before graduation
- Fourth semester, successfully complete and present internship project at Internship Conference, and submit final internship and graduation items.